Sorry gang it has taken me so long to post. Busy as usual on the home front. Getting the house all finished for the appraisal - should have all our stuff finalized by the 1st week in August. YAY! Hooray! I'll keep you posted.
But this post is really about a DREAM. A dream that recently came to pass. I won't likely EVER forget the date because it also happened to occur on my dear son Erick's 20th birthday.
But it's not about him.
It's about a little girl who dreamed a dream.
A girl whos mommy and Daddy promised her that when all our "house stuff" was finished her dream would come true.
A girl who patiently waited a year, then another half a year.
When mom couldn't take her waiting in quiet silence anymore began to find a way to make that dream come true.
And i did.
Two months ahead of when we "should" have or "could" have. Why? Because in another couple of months school will be here. In another couple of months she will be that much closer to winter and not being able to "ride" her dream.
So i searched.
My search took me many places. Many times my internet found me hovering around Georgia and wondering how we could make THAT happen. Transport alone would cost more than we were able to pay.
Then it happened.
We found one.
He was two and a half hours away. My neighbor was ready to help in the task of collecting...then the dreams were dashed. They changed their mind. My girl was heartbroken once more for what "could have been" and in her eyes what may never be.
It's a hard place to be as a mom, i won't lie.
When your child eats, sleeps and breathes this dream. And you can't make it happen. When all kinds of other things happen...but this very important thing to one precious little girl just reamins out of reach.
I am sure you all know, this is about a girl and a HORSE.
You see...she had been practicing and practicing to be able to care for her very own. Waking up early (in the summer at least) without complaint and feeding, bathing, caring and loving on some "practice horses" a friend has on our property. She was ready.
Yet the sadness in her heart i could see through her eyes was unsettling.
When mommy? When?
So she and mommy searched and searched. Dreamed and dreamed.
It was harder than you might think.
Choices were limited as we were looking for a POA (Ponies of America) or just smaller sized horse - considered a "pony" but not like a shaggy shetland or anything. Just a smaller version of a big horse. This helps with confidence for a young rider and because she and I are both very petite it is just the right decision for now.
Then we found her. She was the right size and GORGEOUS in our eyes. So we went to see her. She was beautiful. But NOT READY. Not even close. She only had 30 days of training and was not at all ready to be sis' dream come true. But as providence would have it, she had a mommy who was. 10 years older, slightly smaller and VERY broke to ride. The owners GAVE her to us...for FREE. We weren't looking for a horse that old, but she would be perfect while the other one finished her training. Mom is a bit on the skinny size and needs to be fattened up, but we got TWO for the price of ONE so figured it was a good deal. It also gives sis a chance to nurture the older horse.
One happy little girl, TWO happy horses.
So without further the GIRLS.
Blackie (i original!) is the mom. I didn't get alot of pictures of her, as she is looking skinny and all. These were taken after her bath, she has a pretty curly mane and forelock. (The mane hair on the front of their face/forehead)

Lakota Luna (We are calling her
LUNA - though sis likes Lakota) She is a grey welsh/quarter pony cross. She is a full foot taller than her momma. She is "dappled" which means it her coat almost looks spotted though she is not an appy. Her face is a much lighter grey and white which makes her stand out. Especially with a bridle or halter on. She has a small grey lightning spot in the middle of the white stripe.. Very unique. She is graceful and beautiful. Bad part... she is still a bit "spooky". This is mainly because she is young and hasn't been handled much yet. The more time we spend she will likely outgrow that. She is a lover, and will meet you at the fence and be in your face.

We bathed them this weekend and the mom, Blackie, did great. Luna had some trust issues. But she absolutely ADORES DeRell and he was very patient and calm with her. Like the "Horse Whisperer" almost, LOL. And he was able to bathe Luna himself after she got over herself.

Then we got a saddle pad and let the kids sit on Blackie and DeRell lead them around. As you can see when DeRell was leading the kids...she is not a baby sized PONY - she is as tall as DeRell.

Luna got VERY VOCAL at that point and agitated. Either she was jealous or just wanted her momma back in the corral with her! She bucked and whined and ran all over. It was a sight. One i captured on film...yay!

You can see why i am not in a hurry to put my girl on her anytime soon....But we have TIME and PATIENCE. I also think it will be a great oppty for Sis to learn some parts of breaking a horse.
And don't you think this is an appropriate "Wordless Wednesday" post photo?

Except, i couldnt be wordless! A man's TWO BEST FRIENDS - his Horse and his Dog!!!