This photo deserved it's own post!
You see, for Christmas the Prescott's (Auntie Darla and clan) got bubba a Nerf gun. It holds 6 of these nerf bullets and has pump action & shoots. Many an hour was spent between the kiddos (there were 2 guns) and wars between mommy & kiddo or daddy & kiddo.
Well this night, i was preparing dinner, unpacking some boxes and Bubba came and got the tape. I didn't question him...they often do "projects" and tape is safer than say..markers or paint...right?
He was busy in his room for a half an hour or more and came out to the living room dressed like this!!
What is so funny is there was no prompting...he was simply scheming up a way to have more bullets at his ready for the next shootout. Not exactly sure where he remembered the design from but he took his velcro camoflauge belt and individially looped and taped on each "bullet". This was no small feat! It took a LOT of work.
I'm a proud momma of a future gunslinger apparently!
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