It's been lightly snowing here (mostly at night) ... since Friday night actually - and we got 4-5 inches up at our place. Not my kind of get out and go weather. Actually it never bothered me before we moved out the ride down the hill is the e-Ticket variety and I prefer to be more of a homebody.
Bubba was still sleeping (shocker-it was after 9:30 am!!) so I begged him to let me stay and do some much needed clean up around here. After all i had gotten up, made his coffee (which deserves it's very own post!), started his car, dusted all the snow off whilst in my not so warm outside wear (jammies) so that should count for something right?!
Confession time...i just really wanted to get back to the book i am reading since i needed to get up to CH 25 and i was on like chapter 13.
And since we are being honest, when the boy woke up - and it was just him & I - he was in the sweetest mood. I just wanted to savor that for as long as i could!
You see, between a little soul searching, and a recent blog post on a blog i follow - it kinda hit me smack dab in the face that i need to make more time for mornings like today. So....shhhhh, don't tell..... Weds. morning when my body just wasn't cooperating cuz this recent bought of depression had left me feeling like i was hit by a mack truck (quite literally) i decided to do something bold. I let the kids sleep in and blow off school. It was a 1/2 day anyway. Momma got to sleep till 10am (hallelujah!) while the kids played surprising well together then we all enjoyed the morning before the reality truck came crashing in reminding me i had to go to work. It was a sweet morning where i got to be the cook at their restaurant w/ sis being the waitress, and Bubs the customer. We made a mess. We cleaned up. We laughed. They played. Not a care in the world. Fun happened. And it was all the more fun becuz they were old enough to understand that they should be at school!
I wonder if someday they will remember it? Someday my girl will shamelessly admit to one of her friends that one day mommy let her skip school to play. I know it's not the best thing to do, but in OUR LIFE recently that treasured time of relax and play just hasn't existed much. We are burdened with finishing this house. We are burdened financially due to this being the slow time of the year for us, and i not having many loans going. I guess i am just hoping that my kids have some normalcy, even when i dont feel normal. And becuz of what mcmama had to say a while back that i cant let go of. You can read her post HERE. Funny, simple, true.
So back to today. He wanted to take the cat for a walk (and has fashioned a belt-loosely-around her neck). She was obliging him but i just couldnt see it ending well. So i offered up Max instead as his subject of torture *i mean pleasure*. Max was all to happy to "go for a walk". So my lil one in his shark jammies went to put on a jacket. But he came back in not just a jacket but the one from his very best suit - "because its a special day Momma and i want to look good". I smiled and told him as long as he put on his big coat over it it was fine. He smiled that i was letting him wear it. It made me smile. So he bounced back in my room 2 minutes later with his beanie and winter coat all ready for the adventure. I made him put on his snow boots and some gloves. And he picked 2 different color pink ones which he promptly informed me didn't matter cuz they are still the SAME and "What matters if they are girl gloves huh?" (his words not mine!) I confirmed it made no difference and he went on his merry way. Nope, he didn't need Momma to come & play. He was a big boy and could take Maxey all by himself!
So I watched from my beautiful huge window at all the skipping and frolicking the dogs and he were enjoying. I smiled. Mismatched girl gloves, jammies and suit coat aside i was watching my child truly happy. And you know what i thought?
I'm gonna miss this!!
And here we sit at 2pm, watching some Scooby Doo and i get up for the occassional load of laundry. The house is still messy. But my boy is happy.
I wouldn't trade it for the world!
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