We've moved in! (Well kinda/sorta about 1/2 way) We did for many reasons. The primary reason is that if we didn't we just wouldn't get anything accomplished. It was so hard to work all day then find the energy to drive 15 min up to the new house and work on it. Weekends alone just weren't cutting it. So we moved in and can get alot more done. I work on the un-packing/organizing...and he works on everything else.
I am NOT handy. I am a "girlie girl". I can barely turn a screwdriver - and combined with my lack of upper body strength i am pretty worthless around here. I am not ashamed to admit it. That, my friends, is the truth.
I know it's hard on him. He works all day too. Then he comes home and figures out what is the most pressing thing next on the list and gets to it. Often he stays up when i am already sleeping. He does so much to make this house a home. I am so greatful for all he does. I don't tell him often enough.
He had to work today *sigh* when there was oh so much to do around here. I have been for 3 weeks dragging laundry over to the old house and throwing a load in b4 work, then at lunch into the dryer, new load in, after work fold and repeat. It was a bit much. Well last weekend we moved the big items (downstairs fridge, washer/dryer). This was contingent upon his PROMISE that it would be fully functioning. I would rather keep going back to the old house than let the laundry continue to pile up. Guess what? It didn't happen. Not entirely his fault, he was in over his head with the whole gas conversion & hookup thing. Rather than blow the house up i relented in allowing a professional to come do it. Except *problem* they couldn't come until Friday. Ugh.
Wednesday night I did indeed spend 2 hours at the Laundromat. That will NEVER happen again. It's highway robbery not to mention - you gotta be kidding me...only 4 towels fit in the washer?! I washed 2 loads of only the MOST IMPERATIVE items to get us through. Guess what...i NEED to get laundry done!
Friday the professionals came, hooked my dryer up and tested her out. (With an extension cord i might add because there is no electrical where the washer/dryer need to go) But yay, done!
Bless his heart, he got the electrical all done last night while i was sleeping. I can dry clothes now. But i can't wash. Due to situational cleaning/organizing of all unneccessary tools the all important pipe fittings and special $100+ crimp tool is now missing. And by missing i mean it has been placed somewhere and he can't find it cuz we have WAY TOO MANY TOOLS and STUFF EVERYWHERE. (Which he blames on me bcuz I was the one who made us move before the house was ready *grin*) It's hilarious i tell you.
So what's a girl to do? Well i for one, will be bundling up and trekking down to the very cold garage (it's about 10 degrees in there right now) to search high and low for that thing. I will find them. Because i have a bigger list of even more pressing items that need to get done tonite while the clothes are happily being washed and dryed.
For your benefit i have taken photos of these items. Fell free to sigh and feel my pain. LOL

The washer. (on the left) Notice there are NO PIPES to bring water over to it. Ya, thats them the red & blue stuff coiled up in front of it LOL

Our entry closet. We need to put in the shelf & rod so we can stop using the nearest chair to hang up all our coats! And it currently is the dumping ground for empty boxes and "stuff" that has no home.

This would be where a switch needs to be for the overhead light in the area between our master bedroom and bathroom. I literally scratch my arm on it about 3 times a day going to my closet.

And this my friends is where there should be a light in my CLOSET. How can i have a walk-in closet w/ no light? Who can see their clothes in the dark? Not to mention it is where i change bcuz there are currently no curtains on my french doors. See below. Thus i change in a dark closet to avoid exposing myself to my neighbors or random passers-by. Hey if that switch were done i could use that overhead light to see in the closet since there is not a single door in the house- LOL! (besides the front entry door that is)

These are my french doors right next to our bed. I sleep on that side. It is cold with no window coverings. I weatherstripped the heck out of it but c'mon? Put up the drapes and it gets warmer & i can change without hiding in the closet! Nuff said!
Those are actually the drapes placed on the chair in front of said doors, on the rod, brought over from the old house. Just need to hang 'em. How hard is that?
...well i guess look who's talking? I couldn't use the cordless screwdriver to save my life. These are my hopes for tonight.
Maybe i can make him a yummy dinner and he'll get right to it. Better yet, cereal! Sugar and carbs for energy. Thats it...i'll serve him some Frosted Flakes. Dinner of Champions! LOL I'll let you know how it goes............