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    Monday, September 15, 2008

    08.29.2008 More FAIR on Friday

    We kind of have this Fair thing down to a science! LOL. You have to understand that we live in a small town and there is not much to do most of the year. The kiddies talk about the fair most of the year and all summer long, "when is it coming?!" Our school schedule is tied to the fair in our county. The fair is always on Labor Day Weekend, and the schools always start the Tuesday after that weekend.
    It's fun cuz it starts with the parade on Weds then runs Thurs, Fri, Sat, and 1/2 Sunday then it's gone. I get my moneys worth let me tell you! I buy the advance tickets which saves me $8 each day, and we usually go 3 days in a row. This year was no different.
    On Friday we met April, Colton, Grandma Norma, and Granny D at the fair. We saw the animals, went on some rides and had a mellow time. Danielle wanted to go on the "bigger" rides but we kept it low key so Colton could enjoy the rides too. The best part was that after about 5 hrs we went home, took a nap, had dinner and went back around 8pm. Wristbands still good and kids happy/fed. Talk about the way to go!!!

    We lucked out and ran into Danielle's BFF Reigan so it was good she could have a partner in crime and the mommies could get a break from riding the rides.

    Bubba never fully recovered from fun overload, so he got an ice cream and daddy swung by @ 9pm after work and picked him up and took him home. Great for "the girls" cuz we could have fun and go on the BIG GIRL rides now. Yippe.

    Danielle and Reigan are goof balls when they are together. It is really fun to see them. They typically have different levels of adventure but can usually compromise which is a great thing to learn at 6. They both love the Dragon can't you tell?

    Another great thing about a small town is everybody knows everybody. The girls were able to hook-up with more girls (a blending of 2 schools if u will) and go on FUN things like the Tilt & Hurl ...oops i mean "Tilt-a-Whirl" without any mommies having to get dizzy. Danielle, Madison, Savannah, Reigan and Ivy.


    Positive Reinforcement said...

    Yep, they ARE goofballs! Goofballs on a mission, ride this one, ride that one, get some sugar, do it again! Thank goodness the fair is only a few days!

    Kelly said...

    Where are pics of Colton? I bet he's huge!