I also love that they use a classroom right a school for the lessons. Sitting in those pre-school sized chairs makes me really want to put down the brownie in my hand. Especially when only 1 butt cheek can fit. LOL.
And starting today Bubba will have Wrestling practice every Tues. and Thurs. at school so my days are about to get even fuller. Not to mention the rest of Feb and all of March weekends will involve tourneys. I will be a slave to the open road and wrestling tournaments all over Western Montana. He's not even 7 yet.

*just random pic i found on internet...obviously not Bubba*
Can you say Big Fun?!
Bring it on!!! My life as i knew it is officially over i dare say...sports have entered their lives. It was inevetible.
Don't forget 2moro is Sis Birthday....where does the time go? She will be 9. Yikes.
I have Taylor Swift's song running over and over thru my mind..
"Oh darlin' don't you ever grow up, don't ya ever grow up, just stay this little...."
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