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    Sunday, October 19, 2008

    10.18.2008 Health Updates & More fun stuff

    Ok, so Friday went well....NOT! First off, i was running around like a chicken w/ my head cut off trying to get all done and take off for the Jog-A-Thon, long story short-stopped back at ofc to use restroom, walked out and locked my keys inside the ofc. No car key, no key to get back in, no neighboring building tenants have spare keys, UGH! So i walked to Danielle's school (no purse or sunglasses-waaa!) luckily it's only 6 blocks. We then walked to Jog-a-thon (4 more blocks) and she did Super! 6 laps, which is like 2 miles. Problem was 10 block walk after (she whined the whole time..i thought that was my job?!) Anyway, dropped her at the Hour Playhouse for a playdate with Reigan (pre-planned) and off to work. Oh, thats right, I am locked out! Well i made the best of it, and walked yet again 4 blocks to the walk-in clinic. Diagnosis, Sinus Infection & Dbl. Ear infection. You can feel sorry for me now-doc was wondering how i was still standing. I told him cuz I'm a mom so i have no choice. Reality is i just wanted to go home and go to bed but i couldn't locked out so no car! Thankfully, by the time i walked back DeRell & Erick had come back from their job and unlocked it. Went to bed early that night, on all my new meds. Lemme check off the list:
    -5 day Antibiotic (then i stop for 5 days, then do the 5 day all over again)
    -Cough syrup with Codeine (yay baby! Sleep here i come)
    -Netti Pot also known as SinuCleanse which i begged Dr. not to make me do as it grosses me out (too bad, do it he says!)
    -Yogurt daily to replace good stuff the antibiotics are killing
    -Acetomenophine every 4 hrs for ear/sinus pressure
    -Zyrtec decongestant to take 1x daily
    Oh, Main Bath has had -0- progression in 2 days. Due to genius Mudd idea. Our Drywall guy is gonna hand texture it (Monday) then prime/paint it (Tues.) so this means Weds before we can put in moulding, vanity, fixtures etc. UGHHHHHH.

    I think it's gonna be a great day

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