Oh my heavens that is ever so funny!
Well for breakfast i had a glass of Orange Juice and 2 mini-egg burritos with white cheddar cheese and Tapatio sauce.
I guess i should mention that due to hormonal imbalances i actually ate breakfast a 1pm today (Monday). I woke up at 5am because all the cats were outside and i hear the coyotes. I spent the morning out in the dark with a flashlight scaring off the coyotes and rounding up the cats. I then layed down on the couch after getting Bubba off to school and literally slept till noon.
There was no lunch...since lunch was breakfast in the afternoon and we had to hurry and fit in school. I then had to go to the Mortgage office in town because my computer was crashed and do work. I was there from 5pm - 8pm.
We ate Taco Bell thru a drive-thru on our way home so i could get the kids in bed. So that would be a Burrito Supreme and Taco Supreme.
Wow! What a nutricious day huh?
Embarrassing. It doesn't usually look like that!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Blog Challenge - Day 2 Your Spouse
How i met my husband is a funny story. Lets just say there was a back-story before i ever even met the man...and it is divine providence that we are together today i believe.
You see, he and one of my very best-friends (April) were friends/cousins and roommates for years. I worked with April in the late 90's and we were close. I can still remember vividly a conversation we had one day in a chinese restaraunt where i was sharing my woes over my bad decision to get married to "play house" with my then husband who i had so little in common with and was miserable. She shared that she wishes i had met her friend first - because if she could pick anyone for me it would be him. Well fast forward about 6 months later, I am at a crab-feed with a bunch of co-workers (and my any day to be ex-husband) and that friend of hers and his childhood friend were there too. They sat at the same table, we did introductions. No spark, just nice conversations, too much drinking, and some dancing. This guy was moving to Seattle in a few weeks and winding down closing his business and such. I went out dancing to a County Western Bar that night with April, her friends, and some co-workers and had a great time. I exchanged email addresses (since he was moving) and bid them goodnight. Who would have ever known a friendship (me pouring my heart out over my failed marriage, my medical woes, internet dating *yikes*,etc.) would grow to be so much more. It's a long/weird story but he actually "rented" a room in my house when my husband moved out after the divorce so i could make ends meet. We were inseperable after that.
He was a true gentleman, opened everydoor for me. Took me country line-dancing which became our shared passion. We talked for hours about anything and everything. He commutted 2 hours each way for his business to be with me. We fell in love. He is/was my soulmate. He loved my child (then 8yrs old) and introduced me to the world of sponteneity. He was nearly 10yrs older than me, never married, and wanted children as desperatly as i wanted more children. We first got a puppy though! Max is now over 10yrs old. I had never owned a dog in my life. He has taught me so much. We LIVED, we LOVE and we made beautiful children.
We have great moments and not-so great moments. Every day has not been perfect. People who have the idea that marriage is the blendings of two souls and never goes through "rough patches" are living in a dream and should maybe solidify their friendship with their mate if they want it to last through the hard parts. Our fairytale beginnings were great. Marriage is hard work. We left our bliss and both of our 6 figure jobs for a slower pace and moved to Montana. It has been a struggle for the past 4-7 years. Mostly financial, as i haven't always worked - and he is not so good at running the paperwork side of a business. He's a WORKER and i can always count on him. It's the paperwork side that has been our downfall. We are making baby steps to get it all under control. I chose not to let money control my happiness. I know there is a reason for this "season" in our lives - and am hoping to come out the other side refined like silver. I know the Lord placed me in his life to bring him back into His fold. We have built a beautiful house that the Lord has blessed us with finding and are working to bring our family unit that much closer.

DeRell and i celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year. He is my rock and my provider and friend (and sometimes my fool). He is the absolute BEST father my kids could have and has a sensitive side. We are both Libra's (though i don't typically follow astrology) and share alot of similar charactaristics. We butt heads because of those similarities, yes. But i know every night that i am loved. I couldn't imagine a world without him in it. I love that he can do, build, make, anything he puts his mind to. I love that he is not afraid of hard work. I love that he does not give up and is a take charge kind of person. I love his drive to provide.
Here is "Our Song"....
It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
Now I just can't believe you're in my life
Heaven's smilin' down on me
As I look at you tonight
I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars
Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
Just to look into your eyes
I know I don't deserve a treasure like you
There really are no words
To show my gratitude
So I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars
It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
You see, he and one of my very best-friends (April) were friends/cousins and roommates for years. I worked with April in the late 90's and we were close. I can still remember vividly a conversation we had one day in a chinese restaraunt where i was sharing my woes over my bad decision to get married to "play house" with my then husband who i had so little in common with and was miserable. She shared that she wishes i had met her friend first - because if she could pick anyone for me it would be him. Well fast forward about 6 months later, I am at a crab-feed with a bunch of co-workers (and my any day to be ex-husband) and that friend of hers and his childhood friend were there too. They sat at the same table, we did introductions. No spark, just nice conversations, too much drinking, and some dancing. This guy was moving to Seattle in a few weeks and winding down closing his business and such. I went out dancing to a County Western Bar that night with April, her friends, and some co-workers and had a great time. I exchanged email addresses (since he was moving) and bid them goodnight. Who would have ever known a friendship (me pouring my heart out over my failed marriage, my medical woes, internet dating *yikes*,etc.) would grow to be so much more. It's a long/weird story but he actually "rented" a room in my house when my husband moved out after the divorce so i could make ends meet. We were inseperable after that.
He was a true gentleman, opened everydoor for me. Took me country line-dancing which became our shared passion. We talked for hours about anything and everything. He commutted 2 hours each way for his business to be with me. We fell in love. He is/was my soulmate. He loved my child (then 8yrs old) and introduced me to the world of sponteneity. He was nearly 10yrs older than me, never married, and wanted children as desperatly as i wanted more children. We first got a puppy though! Max is now over 10yrs old. I had never owned a dog in my life. He has taught me so much. We LIVED, we LOVE and we made beautiful children.
We have great moments and not-so great moments. Every day has not been perfect. People who have the idea that marriage is the blendings of two souls and never goes through "rough patches" are living in a dream and should maybe solidify their friendship with their mate if they want it to last through the hard parts. Our fairytale beginnings were great. Marriage is hard work. We left our bliss and both of our 6 figure jobs for a slower pace and moved to Montana. It has been a struggle for the past 4-7 years. Mostly financial, as i haven't always worked - and he is not so good at running the paperwork side of a business. He's a WORKER and i can always count on him. It's the paperwork side that has been our downfall. We are making baby steps to get it all under control. I chose not to let money control my happiness. I know there is a reason for this "season" in our lives - and am hoping to come out the other side refined like silver. I know the Lord placed me in his life to bring him back into His fold. We have built a beautiful house that the Lord has blessed us with finding and are working to bring our family unit that much closer.
DeRell and i celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year. He is my rock and my provider and friend (and sometimes my fool). He is the absolute BEST father my kids could have and has a sensitive side. We are both Libra's (though i don't typically follow astrology) and share alot of similar charactaristics. We butt heads because of those similarities, yes. But i know every night that i am loved. I couldn't imagine a world without him in it. I love that he can do, build, make, anything he puts his mind to. I love that he is not afraid of hard work. I love that he does not give up and is a take charge kind of person. I love his drive to provide.
Here is "Our Song"....
It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
Now I just can't believe you're in my life
Heaven's smilin' down on me
As I look at you tonight
I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars
Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
Just to look into your eyes
I know I don't deserve a treasure like you
There really are no words
To show my gratitude
So I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars
It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
Blog Challenge Day 3 - Your Parents
My parents Divorced when i was 2 years old. Yes, I was in-fact an "oops" and a i always laugh and think "product of the 70's mindset that a new baby would make it all better."

All that aside - no bitterness, though i didn't really know my dad well growing up. He was "Disneyland Dad" who came down once a year to pick up my sister Darla and I and we would get to stay in a hotel, go to restaurants and then places like Disneyland or Knotts Berry Farm. I stayed with him and his wonderful wife Pattye one summer on their ranch in Canada. That is where my love of horses started. My dad is sarcastic, and shows his love by making fun of people. As a young girl i never really had a relationship with him - and quite honestly thought he was "mean" because of all the teasing. Maybe i was overly sensitive. He never had any more children, and has come right out and said he doesn't like kids. As a young woman i saw him a few times a year since he had moved back to the states and to a small rural area in California. In my teens and 20's as i could drive there so i did. We have never been "close" (though i adore his wife) but he (i mean his wife, Pattye) always sends me Birthday and Christmas Cards each year my entire life and nice updates with what is going on with them. I called to share the great news when i was pregnant with my daughter (after cervical cancer and not thinking i would ever be able to have another child...i was over the moon excited) and he asked me if i knew how to prevent pregnancy (in a joke form) so i was not overly happy nor have i since found sharing any BIG life moments with him worthwhile. It was a worse comment when i called with the news of my son - though i doubt he would even know he hurt me with his words - so i have not been overly excited to visit with his grandkids since he doesn't like kids anyway right?! I have not seen him in almost 10 years i guess, mainly due to the distance and their busy schedule. He loves all things Motorcycle, has interesting facial hair, and thank the good Lord i was the one that inherited his good genes as far as body size goes.

My mom remarried when i was young and i was raised as a small child by a wonderful step-father Ron - who was "Daddy" to me. We were the typical American family and i fondly remember camping trips, Dodger games, beach and park trips and everything else. I don't think i have even one picture with my "daddy" where i am not grinning ear to ear! He was my rock until about 4th grade. At that point, my youngest sister died in an accident at the babysitters and my "parents" (the only ones i ever knew) never recovered. My Step-dad turned to drinking, and my mom turned inward and they divorced. She then raised me and my 4 sisters as a single mom and did a great job. We lived in a nice middle-class home and though i know she struggled to support all of us you would have never known it. We had extended family in my moms best friend that lived 2 houses down and her 6 kids so we were like one big happy extended clan that did everything together. My mom has always loved me and tried her best with me but i was a middle-child with no daddy and acted out alot in my tween/teen years. She was forced to kick me out of the house when i was 16 to keep her sanity i suppose and not long after my graduation from High School she moved with my 2 youngest sisters back to her hometown in Pismo Beach to raise them. After i straightened up and became responsible we mended "broken fences" and are close today. We share the gene of shopaholics and do that very well together and apart. She loved me through all of my failings and loves my babies (even the obnoxious younger ones) and it's a lovely place to visit when we need a vacation. We visit at least twice a year and I talk to her generally weekly -sometimes more often. If i need her, she is always there to listen. She is very ill right now with a myriad of problems including the failing of her Liver (though she has never been a big drinker) and the distance just makes my heart hurt. I wish i could be there (or closer) all the time. We had an entire month there in May and though i am sure she is happy the noise level has died down since we left...i would do it again and again.
All that aside - no bitterness, though i didn't really know my dad well growing up. He was "Disneyland Dad" who came down once a year to pick up my sister Darla and I and we would get to stay in a hotel, go to restaurants and then places like Disneyland or Knotts Berry Farm. I stayed with him and his wonderful wife Pattye one summer on their ranch in Canada. That is where my love of horses started. My dad is sarcastic, and shows his love by making fun of people. As a young girl i never really had a relationship with him - and quite honestly thought he was "mean" because of all the teasing. Maybe i was overly sensitive. He never had any more children, and has come right out and said he doesn't like kids. As a young woman i saw him a few times a year since he had moved back to the states and to a small rural area in California. In my teens and 20's as i could drive there so i did. We have never been "close" (though i adore his wife) but he (i mean his wife, Pattye) always sends me Birthday and Christmas Cards each year my entire life and nice updates with what is going on with them. I called to share the great news when i was pregnant with my daughter (after cervical cancer and not thinking i would ever be able to have another child...i was over the moon excited) and he asked me if i knew how to prevent pregnancy (in a joke form) so i was not overly happy nor have i since found sharing any BIG life moments with him worthwhile. It was a worse comment when i called with the news of my son - though i doubt he would even know he hurt me with his words - so i have not been overly excited to visit with his grandkids since he doesn't like kids anyway right?! I have not seen him in almost 10 years i guess, mainly due to the distance and their busy schedule. He loves all things Motorcycle, has interesting facial hair, and thank the good Lord i was the one that inherited his good genes as far as body size goes.
My mom remarried when i was young and i was raised as a small child by a wonderful step-father Ron - who was "Daddy" to me. We were the typical American family and i fondly remember camping trips, Dodger games, beach and park trips and everything else. I don't think i have even one picture with my "daddy" where i am not grinning ear to ear! He was my rock until about 4th grade. At that point, my youngest sister died in an accident at the babysitters and my "parents" (the only ones i ever knew) never recovered. My Step-dad turned to drinking, and my mom turned inward and they divorced. She then raised me and my 4 sisters as a single mom and did a great job. We lived in a nice middle-class home and though i know she struggled to support all of us you would have never known it. We had extended family in my moms best friend that lived 2 houses down and her 6 kids so we were like one big happy extended clan that did everything together. My mom has always loved me and tried her best with me but i was a middle-child with no daddy and acted out alot in my tween/teen years. She was forced to kick me out of the house when i was 16 to keep her sanity i suppose and not long after my graduation from High School she moved with my 2 youngest sisters back to her hometown in Pismo Beach to raise them. After i straightened up and became responsible we mended "broken fences" and are close today. We share the gene of shopaholics and do that very well together and apart. She loved me through all of my failings and loves my babies (even the obnoxious younger ones) and it's a lovely place to visit when we need a vacation. We visit at least twice a year and I talk to her generally weekly -sometimes more often. If i need her, she is always there to listen. She is very ill right now with a myriad of problems including the failing of her Liver (though she has never been a big drinker) and the distance just makes my heart hurt. I wish i could be there (or closer) all the time. We had an entire month there in May and though i am sure she is happy the noise level has died down since we left...i would do it again and again.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
10.08.2010 Blog Challenge Day 1 - Introduce Yourself
Hi! My name is Missie - though i suspect you already knew that....and i am a shoe-aholic. All kidding aside (or maybe not so much kidding)
I decided to participate in the Blog Challenge and then was stumped on the very first day! What do i say? Ummm...
Something like Lover of Jesus; wife and mom to three (ages 19, 8, 6); lover of animals - especially my 2 dogs, 4 cats, 1 Rabbit, and hopefully someday (VERY) soon my very own horse; avid reader; country living; Lover of sarcasm; Homeschool teaching; FLY Baby; California grown; constant seeker of the elusive size 4; Cowboy Boot wearing; Forgiven girl for life.
My current loves are (in random order):
- The color Brown
- Hot Green Tea (w/ Splenda)
-Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
-Books (especially Stephanie Plum Novels - i have 16!!!)
-Eliminating Clutter from my life
-Mountain Views from my windows
-Rainy days, in my PJ's in bed w/ the kids watching movies
-Mexican Food
-A Clean House
-My Bible
-Finished House Projects
-People Magazine
-My "Love Language" is SERVICE (both giving & receiving...if you want to please me - do something nice for me!!)
-Nerds Candy
-Blog Stalking -oops- I mean "Spiritual Shadowing"
-Going to the Movie Theater and Buttered Popcorn
-California Beaches
-My Family {every one of them.. in-laws/out-laws and everyone in between}
I could have posted my whole life story of how i came to BE me - but seriously that would bore you to tears. So i hope this suffices.
Hop on Board the ">30 Day Blog Challenge, i have alot of catching up to do this weekend - so stay tuned for MORE.
I decided to participate in the Blog Challenge and then was stumped on the very first day! What do i say? Ummm...
Something like Lover of Jesus; wife and mom to three (ages 19, 8, 6); lover of animals - especially my 2 dogs, 4 cats, 1 Rabbit, and hopefully someday (VERY) soon my very own horse; avid reader; country living; Lover of sarcasm; Homeschool teaching; FLY Baby; California grown; constant seeker of the elusive size 4; Cowboy Boot wearing; Forgiven girl for life.
My current loves are (in random order):
- The color Brown
- Hot Green Tea (w/ Splenda)
-Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
-Books (especially Stephanie Plum Novels - i have 16!!!)
-Eliminating Clutter from my life
-Mountain Views from my windows
-Rainy days, in my PJ's in bed w/ the kids watching movies
-Mexican Food
-A Clean House
-My Bible
-Finished House Projects
-People Magazine
-My "Love Language" is SERVICE (both giving & receiving...if you want to please me - do something nice for me!!)
-Nerds Candy
-Blog Stalking -oops- I mean "Spiritual Shadowing"
-Going to the Movie Theater and Buttered Popcorn
-California Beaches
-My Family {every one of them.. in-laws/out-laws and everyone in between}
I could have posted my whole life story of how i came to BE me - but seriously that would bore you to tears. So i hope this suffices.
Hop on Board the ">30 Day Blog Challenge, i have alot of catching up to do this weekend - so stay tuned for MORE.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
10.05.2010 30 Day Blog Challenge
Jessie over at My Happily Ever After has a 30Day Blog Challenge going on, so i thought i would hop on the Bandwagon and give it a try! Not to mention,this way, it will motivate me to post daily. After 21 days something becomes a HABIT right?!
So rather than jump right in i thought i would give some of ya'll the opportunity to try it for yourself as well. I need to catch up 5 days or so, so i may do a couple of posts a day if i can.
Tomorrow - or Day 1- is Introduce Yourself. Please jump over to her blog to see the 30 Day Blog Challenge for yourself!
So join us!!! Give it a try...we all have so much to learn about one another and it just might be fun!
So rather than jump right in i thought i would give some of ya'll the opportunity to try it for yourself as well. I need to catch up 5 days or so, so i may do a couple of posts a day if i can.
Tomorrow - or Day 1- is Introduce Yourself. Please jump over to her blog to see the 30 Day Blog Challenge for yourself!
So join us!!! Give it a try...we all have so much to learn about one another and it just might be fun!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
10.02.2010 Jack and a Pole
Let me 1st apologize for my lack of posts. To say my life is crazy busy would be an understatement. My world is crazy and it hasn't stopped spinning long enough to let me have an ounce of free time. I am TIRED, a lot!!! I've gained 10 MORE pounds. Blah, blah, blah.
But i am rejoicing still. September was especially hard on me and my mental state...i'll leave it at that. I had started a new post about a week ago, but never finished it. It's a good thing. I deleted the "poor me" post...because the next morning i woke up with the most AMAZING PEACE and JOY. It was profound to say the least. Amid the chaos i had clarity. It's hung with me too. Life is good. I am healthy, my kids are healthy and happy, and not everything in life is according to our plans. As a matter of fact NOTHING is according to any plan we might have for ourselves. To say we are in control is laughable. When we give it over to God...ALL OF IT...we can feel the peace i was describing. Yes, we can help ourselves up from the pity party - - that IS in our control.
But this post is not about me. It's about a cat. Our grey cat Jack to be exact. He is such a great guy! Not only does he "tolerate" his lowly human servants - he brings me great happiness (and terrifies me too) just to keep life interesting. This morning was the latter of the two.
Our friend Jim and his furr family have been adjusting well to living here. For the most part that is. Do you remember about a month ago (Labor Day to be exact) he had that unfortunate run in with Bubba Lou (the brown Lab that hates cats) and ran himself right up the utility pole? After tha unfortunate incident we bought stuff to make a fence (albeit temporary and ugly) but have not finished it. We have acreage and it's alot of fence. So anywhoo...we've kind of worked out a system over the past couple of weeks where i let the cats out at 6am when we get up and they get to explore for a couple of hours then i bring them in and all the dogs go out for the rest of the day, and same thing once they go in at night. It's worked out pretty well. Well this morning (being the weekend) we slept a little late, and i automatically let the cats out when i got up. Well, Jim let the dogs out as usual...and the cats were still out. The 2 kittens made it safely inside. Katie took off one way, and poor Jack...well he was run directly in the direction of that pole. HE DID IT AGAIN!!!! This time he didn't climb as high as the transformer so we attempted to coax him down. We moved the trampoline right up to it - trying to coax him down with his treats. He started to, changed his miond, then went higher. Ughhh. Not again! Then he decided he DID want down but made it 2 steps then flung himself the remaining 30-40feet. Not onto the trampoline or safety....but onto the other side - - the road. He landed in the ditch in some brush. On his feet, as cats do but with a thud and a crunch. Jim was there and scooped him up. No obvious damage but he was wigged out. He started dry heaving when we got in and not breathing real well so we began to get worried. Then he hid under the bed. We called our vet, then the only clinic open on Saturdays who tried (not so hard)to fit us in. A 35 minute drive there, a body check (which was more like a massage..i was so jealous)and a few x-rays later...i am happy to report no serious damage.
Jack has now spent TWO of his Nine Lives in the last 30 days. He will likely be sore for a few days - but was otherwise fully intact. No broken bones or ruptured organs, or internal bleeding. (though *ha-ha* he did have some bones of a mouse or a bird in his stomach which looked interesting on an x-ray!) We brought him home, put him up in his favorite luxury digs and let him rest. He's doing well (now 8 hrs later) and seems fine. Though i haven't seen him walk since we got home from the vet. The vet assured me he is resiliant and will be fine.
I personally think Jack & I just need to curl up and sleep the whole weekend. We did finish the fence, this afternoon, by the way. Now all the 5 dogs will be trapped in the back and we can keep our gate to our property open for our neighbor and the UPS man without being greeted by 4 or 5 tail wagging mutts. I hope the cats understand that they can have the entire front half of the property while the demon dogs are relegated to the back. I'll let you know how that goes. *wink*
I also have some other news to share and an update on our Homeschooling but i'll save that for another post - that way i'll make sure to make the time. =)
But i am rejoicing still. September was especially hard on me and my mental state...i'll leave it at that. I had started a new post about a week ago, but never finished it. It's a good thing. I deleted the "poor me" post...because the next morning i woke up with the most AMAZING PEACE and JOY. It was profound to say the least. Amid the chaos i had clarity. It's hung with me too. Life is good. I am healthy, my kids are healthy and happy, and not everything in life is according to our plans. As a matter of fact NOTHING is according to any plan we might have for ourselves. To say we are in control is laughable. When we give it over to God...ALL OF IT...we can feel the peace i was describing. Yes, we can help ourselves up from the pity party - - that IS in our control.
But this post is not about me. It's about a cat. Our grey cat Jack to be exact. He is such a great guy! Not only does he "tolerate" his lowly human servants - he brings me great happiness (and terrifies me too) just to keep life interesting. This morning was the latter of the two.
Our friend Jim and his furr family have been adjusting well to living here. For the most part that is. Do you remember about a month ago (Labor Day to be exact) he had that unfortunate run in with Bubba Lou (the brown Lab that hates cats) and ran himself right up the utility pole? After tha unfortunate incident we bought stuff to make a fence (albeit temporary and ugly) but have not finished it. We have acreage and it's alot of fence. So anywhoo...we've kind of worked out a system over the past couple of weeks where i let the cats out at 6am when we get up and they get to explore for a couple of hours then i bring them in and all the dogs go out for the rest of the day, and same thing once they go in at night. It's worked out pretty well. Well this morning (being the weekend) we slept a little late, and i automatically let the cats out when i got up. Well, Jim let the dogs out as usual...and the cats were still out. The 2 kittens made it safely inside. Katie took off one way, and poor Jack...well he was run directly in the direction of that pole. HE DID IT AGAIN!!!! This time he didn't climb as high as the transformer so we attempted to coax him down. We moved the trampoline right up to it - trying to coax him down with his treats. He started to, changed his miond, then went higher. Ughhh. Not again! Then he decided he DID want down but made it 2 steps then flung himself the remaining 30-40feet. Not onto the trampoline or safety....but onto the other side - - the road. He landed in the ditch in some brush. On his feet, as cats do but with a thud and a crunch. Jim was there and scooped him up. No obvious damage but he was wigged out. He started dry heaving when we got in and not breathing real well so we began to get worried. Then he hid under the bed. We called our vet, then the only clinic open on Saturdays who tried (not so hard)to fit us in. A 35 minute drive there, a body check (which was more like a massage..i was so jealous)and a few x-rays later...i am happy to report no serious damage.
Jack has now spent TWO of his Nine Lives in the last 30 days. He will likely be sore for a few days - but was otherwise fully intact. No broken bones or ruptured organs, or internal bleeding. (though *ha-ha* he did have some bones of a mouse or a bird in his stomach which looked interesting on an x-ray!) We brought him home, put him up in his favorite luxury digs and let him rest. He's doing well (now 8 hrs later) and seems fine. Though i haven't seen him walk since we got home from the vet. The vet assured me he is resiliant and will be fine.
I personally think Jack & I just need to curl up and sleep the whole weekend. We did finish the fence, this afternoon, by the way. Now all the 5 dogs will be trapped in the back and we can keep our gate to our property open for our neighbor and the UPS man without being greeted by 4 or 5 tail wagging mutts. I hope the cats understand that they can have the entire front half of the property while the demon dogs are relegated to the back. I'll let you know how that goes. *wink*
I also have some other news to share and an update on our Homeschooling but i'll save that for another post - that way i'll make sure to make the time. =)
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