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    Sunday, January 31, 2010

    01.26.2010 The Wonders of all things White

    This week has been ....ughhhh...what is the word i am searching for? Not sure. Lets just say we have had our share of snow, warmth, freezing and ICY ROADS. It's no secret the new house is a way out into the "sticks". I have to drive a few miles down a good road - then turn and go where aparently no plow has gone! Kidding. It's just our lil stretch off the main road and over the big hill is a bit "hairy".

    We missed nearly a whole day of school this week bcuz neither of my vehicles could make it. Too much snow, too much ice. One mom not so comfortable in either. I pretty much take our hill --toward town it's downhill all the way--in 1st gear at about 10-15 mph and am still a bit afraid. So DeRell had to come up and "get us". Sis got to school at 1:30pm. We were about to start "homeschool" that day bcuz i had given up on the whole ordeal.

    I laugh now. But at the time it was not so funny. The kids are REAL GOOD at stayying absolutely SILENT while i am driving on the ice - cuz Momma gets a little paranoid and snippy if they don't! We play the "silent game" to see how long they can keep quiet - and since no one wants mommy to slide down the steep embankment they are getting real good at that game.

    But enough of my whining. The view makes it worth it. The peace and quiet is magical. The way we can see the top of the fog layer above the whole valley is incredible.

    And this. The other night we came home and THIS is what i saw off my front porch.

    Can you see them?

    Not sure if i was able to catch it's full beauty. With the snow and the caps of ice it literally looked liked waves breaking at the ocean. Which is an all time Love of mine. The beach. So for all my whining and fretting, i get this. It's a trade off - one that i will accept whole heartedly. Thank you Lord. I shall not complain. I am in awe of the beauty and wonder. Thank You. So next time i complain, remind me of all things good, k?

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