Sponsor a Child Through Compassion

Help make a difference in the lives of children in need. Now is the time to sponsor a child.

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    Saturday, January 16, 2010

    01.16.2010 Compassion

    Sorry a whole week has gone by & no posts. Such is the way it is in the chaos called our life.

    It's been hard to be upbeat and focus on the house when so many are suffereing in Haiti right now.

    Our family sponsors a child in the Philipines (Joyce) through World Vision for about a year and 1/2 now and also for a little boy in India (Vamshi) since last February through Compassion. I personally have such a passion for these kids and their plight. When i whine about no money for groceries - i think about kids that go days without food. Or when the water my tap provides after being filtered from the water filter tastes NASTY, i need to be reminded that there are kids that drink unclean or contaminated water every day. I am thankful that i can help a child....but really 2 children is NOTHING. There are so many that need our help.

    My heart is heavy.

    I think about those kids in Haiti, the living conditions there BEFORE this awful tragedy....and what they are facing now. Their families. Kids without parents. Parents who have lost their children through this devastation. It's hard to focus on much else. What have you been thinking about lately? Did u text $10 to the Red Cross this week? Or to Compassion? Have you even heard of Compassion? What can YOU do to help with this crisis?

    Many of us are hit hard by these economic times..but can you imagine losing your home? Having no food or water? Having no "town" to go to and get food because it is flattened? Can you imagine not knowing where you are going to sleep?
    ...That is...IF you and your family had even have survived. If that's what you call it. What terrible conditions to be living in if you were fortunate enough to LIVE. Can you imagine? I don't think so. I know I can't even begin to imagine. I slept in my warm house, in my warm and cozy flannel sheets fresh out of my dryer last night. I feel guilty. There are many that slept on the street last night...amidst bodies of the dead that have not yet been buried. My heart is heavy. How about yours?


    Help Out.

    I know it's not for everyone, but just a small donation can do so much when we gather as a community and give. Pray about it. Donate what you can for those in Haiti. Or if your heart is still heavy, won't you think about sponsoring a child?? There are MANY countries with children that need our help. Won't you think about donating for the immediate needs in Haiti? I have added a link to the Compassion site where you can do it directly.

    Then i pray you would think about sponsoring a child in the long run. Making a difference in the life of a child. Check out the link at the top of my blog about sponsorship.

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