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    Friday, January 22, 2010

    01.22.2010 What kids think is great photography (Vol. II)

    I'm sure you can recall a few months back i stumbled across some photos while uploading my pics. I did not take them, and was surprised by what my children found to be exciting photography. The South end of a cat going North. Odd angles.

    Well this week apparently it was all about our animals. Sleeping or resting or "hiding" animals. Gee, i wonder what would prompt them to hide....hmmmm? A meniacle 5 yr old on a mission with a flashing and clicking device? Yep.

    Exhibit "A"

    The most skiddish of all our animals, Max cowering beside my computer desk...thinking "please Mommy, make it stop"

    And poor Jack, napping, while a rowdy lil boy got right up in his face to take this one. Know how i know? Cuz Bubba has NO IDEA how to use the zoom feature so you know this was "point blank" range

    And poor Katie, minding her own business, taking her nap on a towel when the "shooter" appears.

    And last but not least - the most carefree of them all..Shadow..cowering under the table by me. But isn't he cute?

    Actually, as any good photographer would do, he actually caught the true essence of all the fur children. The scaredy DOG, the lazy "I COULD CARE LESS" cats, and Mr. "go with the flow but don't chase me" other furr child.

    At least you've met most of the family.

    p.s. Jack needs to layoff the cat treats..i mean...seriously!! He is reaching EPIC proportions and he's not even a year old yet!!

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