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    I'm A Sunday

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    Sunday, March 4, 2012

    03.04.2012 Surgery Day

    Well we will be leaving bright and early for DeRell's surgery in the morning.

    What surgery you ask?

    Well if you recall he has a Kidney Stone. A rather large Kidney Stone. It has not passed. It is stuck in his upper Kidney.

    So Dr. Urologist has made the decision to do surgery.

    What does that involve? Basically, he will undergo general anesthesia, they will insert a tube into his....ummm...Well it is explained ever so well here. Oh and what this doesn't say is that they actually place a shunt above and below the area they are going to laser as well. It's awesome stuff.

    Excuse me while I lay my head on the glass top of my desk for a minute.

    Aw nice and cool.
    ..................Ok I am Back.

    As you know, I am not so good with medical "procedures", anything involving blood or bodily fluids, needles of any kind...or graphic depictions of the process. Just hearing it outloud makes me 8 shades of green. I get woozy, I feel faint.

    Yes, basically I am a whimp and I admit it. It's amazing in itself that I have birthed 3 children and lived to tell the tale.

    Thankfully I have a new awesome book my friend Alisia passed on to me when she finished...and it's sequel...I think I may be able to finish all of them as we will be at the hospital at least 6 hours or longer depending on his recovery. You know, they make sure he can pee and all before they let us leave.

    Sorry if this whole thing is T.M.I. But getting it out forces me to "man-up" about the whole thing. So i dont just pass right out when the Dr. comes out to tell me it all went well. I'm gonna hope for the not so detailed version of the procedure at that point.

    Seriously, I am woozy right now just thinking about it. Yikes!

    Monday is a busy day - Sis has her CRT's (all this week) starting Monday, Daddy has surgery, Bubba has wrestling practice (OOOOH did i mention he got 3rd place w/ a medal in his weight class at the Tournament this weekend??, Darla has her appt for the results of all her tests, and then a 4H sheep meeting at 7pm. It's gonna be one long/full day.

    Just another Manic Monday................

    1 comment:

    Kelly said...

    I hope all went well and he is home already!

    You can be strong!