Wow, has it been a long time since i BLOGGED! Not that i wanted it that way, but as many of you know i have not had a camera. It seems so boring without photos and videos! I just could n't get into it! Well by this weekend that will all change. SO what's new around here?
-Got my hair colored again (dark brunette i am!) Thanks Mom!
-Progress is being made in our new Theater Room at the store
-Started selling "stuff" on ebay to help make ends meet (not alot of "ends meeting" lately) So far we've just sold some business excess inventory, but watch out closets here i come!
-Danielle is learning to play the piano, had 4 songs down within 72 hours
-This past weekend was just Bubba & Mommy time (Danielle gone w/ her teacher all weekend and Erick was at a speech meet in Kalispell) what a wonderful change of pace!
..........and drum roll please..................
I HAVE A NEW CAMERA!!! How, you might ask? Well, after learning to go without ( a new concept for me i must admit) i actually got it as an early Christmas gift from my sister Darla. Apparently she didn't get the memo about adults not exchanging gifts...or just plain ol felt sorry for me. Hard to be a mommy without a camera! Anyway, i think it really must have been that she was sick of cell phone pics that are awful! Whatever the reason, i am SO thankful. I have it charged, the new SD card (4 gig yeah!) in and am learning all about it! It's 10 megapixel..YIPPEE.

So what do you think?! Isn't it beautiful? The box will have to do bcuz it's not like i can take a picture of my camera WITH my camera!
So, nows your turn trusty blog readers....what do YOU want to see a picture of? The Theater room? The finished bathroom? Kids? Cat? Lemme know, it's been so long since i took real pictures I'm excited to take them of just about anything! Post your comment below