I was marveling to DeRell all the new things our youngest has accomplished so far this summer! Like counting the milestones for a baby, it is great to see the accomplishments and note how far he has come! As many of you know, he is our sweet, loving child who was very ill as a young baby with so many bouts of pneumonia, ear infections, hospitalizations... which has affected his hearing and speech, overall developement & hitting of milestones on time, his size, his teeth, etc. It is great to see him thrive and improve and he has accomplished so much these past few months! We wanted to note his accomplishments!
Bubba is...............
* Finally FULLY potty-trained (at 4)
* Can Dress himself
* Saying more and more of his words "right" and thriving in speech therapy
* Taking Showers (he only would take baths)
* Is wearing sandals with NO SOCKS
* Will go barefoot (he NEVER would before, always had to have socks-VERY big deal)
* Goes downstairs to the basement toy room (Alone)
* Recognizing and writing some letters (so far writing only A, B, T, and X)
* Can count to 30
* Can FINALLY sit through an entire movie in the Theater (Kung Fu Panda)
* Got his frist Bee Sting and lived 07/9/08
I'm sure there are many more-but these are pretty HUGE things for our little guy. We love you Bubba! WAY TO GO!
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