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    Bring The Rain

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    Thursday, June 12, 2008

    06.10.2008 Tuesday in Montana

    Ok, so i just HAVE to blog this. If i could get the video off my cell phone and onto my blog i'd post it!! (HELP plz anyone!) Anyway, so Monday night my son & I are doing our bedtime ritual, and Bubba is saying his prayers. He's a good pray-er always honest open requests of God..like he is talking to an old friend. Please please please give me candy, or a bike...not THIS night! My son snuggles in, closes his eyes, thanks God for all that is good and then what are his requests?!! The boy prays for SNOW. Now, now, i let him finish mind you with all he has to say-then momma gently reminds him that God is not really in charge of the weather but it is a nice try. It is June my son, i remind, summer time is here. Well, i knew it was gonna rain...but "WHAT THE HECK?" Daddy wakes me up (7:30 i think) to show me it is SNOWING outside. Not just a few flakes, but REALLY coming down. He didn't even know about Bubba's prayer. It is June 10th no less. Ughh! So we all talk and laugh and marvel at what an AWESOME GOD we have to give us snow on June 10th! No, no, no this just won't do! Danielle, the ever efficient prayer warrior herself, stomps around then gets right down on her knees in the middle of the bedroom floor and starts praying. Silence. I'm staring, then when she is all done...quite proud of HERSELF she says I just prayed it will be a sunny day! What's a mom to do? I just smile - it's supposed to rain remember? Nothing but gray ugly clouds. But no lie, by 1:00 there is sunshine, scattered clouds, but a sunny day. So what can i say to all of this?????? "WOW, GOD IS GOOD!". AMEN.
    Oh and a big Shout out to my sis Darla who is really OLD today - 45 i think??? Oyyyy!


    Kelly said...

    Hilarious! Apparently God was in a great mood and had a little spare time on his hands to amuse children that day. Glad everone's prayers were answered. Ha!

    Kelly said...

    You've been home a week. Where is an update? =)