WOW. I can't remember the last time i posted, or thought about posting. Life moves at the speed of...well.....LIFE. Here is all that is new...
Bubba learned how to ride his bike...with no training wheels! We can't take any credit! His friend Kaden actually "taught" him. Held his bike, ran with him, and showed him the ropes. I can't get him off of the thing now. It is precious! The kids LOVE to ride and ride around on their bikes.
Baseball and my running of the baseball concessions is over. No more 5 nights a week at the ballfield. Woo-hoo. Bubba did great his first real year- they even got trophies and he was so proud. His skills are improving all the time. Daddy bought them a pitching machine so it will work out great for both the kiddos bcuz....
Softball (practice at least) for Sis started on Tuesday. She is actually quite good. (Notice the hint of surprise in my girly girl actually ENJOYS all things "sports") I have no idea where she gets it from. My only sports endeavor is finding a great bargain and some serious shoe shopping or mall outing in an hour or less! She is hitting her "tom-boy" phase. Note to family...she will no longer wear dresses of.any.kind. EVER. It's sad really. ....moving on.......
School officially ended for the kiddos at 11:30 on Friday. We got an extra hour sleep this morning. We made up our summer chore list and they are on board. (It even comes with "allowance" this year which is new to both of them). We all are super excited for SUMMER and a nice long visit to California.
I start watching my neighbors 2 kids for two days a week on Monday. (only until i go to California so it should be less than a month) It's a good thing. Its fun to have kids 6, 7, 8, 9 all playing together. For the most part. LOL. (...Except the tattle telling....) We are gonna have to nip that real early. I am hoping to get out an DO stuff. Our aquatic center just completed a small water slide for the outdoor pool so i can't wait to try that out. (though only 2 of the kids are tall enough to do it). I am all about wearing them out...tired kids don't tattle. They crash out on the way home in the car..hehehehehe. I have crafts planned, and cooking,...we are gonna make a CAMP out of all our fun...with themes. YAY SUMMER.
We can't forget VBS though. My kids love them some VBS. They would go everyday if they could!!! Gotta get busy checking that out. I only know of one so far, last summer they went to THREE!
I started working with my neighbor Alisia (the mom of the 2 kids i mentioned i will be watching)and her horses this past Monday. It was fun and crazy all at the same time! I walked bow-legged for 2 days afterward. It was hilarious. I am SOOOOO out of shape its not funny. Then her "spirited" horse decided to have fun rearing up and coming down on the wheel fender of the trailer and dented it! Another one broke the back light out. They obviously need to get out more. Her "kid" horse is waaaay rusty and i wouldn't trust her with any kids yet - including Danielle who is a far better rider than me. So we have our work cut out for us over the next few weeks to get 2 horses tuned up and ready for summer rides.
My precious girl Britney (bff Wendy's daughter) had her baby on Thursday morning...after more than 3 days in the hospital with labor not really happening, then being stopped, then not really happening. One un-planned c-section later Micah was born. He is absolutely ADORABLE and BEAUTIFUL and mom is doing great although she is exhausted. I can't wait to get her permission to post some pictures. He is awesome! Babies just make me smile =)
Happy Birthday to Darla (my sis) who turned "OLD" on Friday. We love you (and Uncle Lloyd) bunches and can't wait to spend some serious fun pool days with this summer.
My last bit of news is that I (and in a strange twist of fate- similar story for Darla) will most likely be having Erick back in Montana by the end of summer. (And Cortney back with Darla in Moreno Valley). We are excited for them both to be back with family & friends and motivated to find some gainful employment. It's been lonely for Erick in Nevada with no real friends to speak of. Your 20's are so important socially i think. They shape who you will become. I just know i love and miss him so much it would be great to have him even a smidge closer.
Whew! That's most of the news. I'll post some pics of our summer and stuff soon. Heading off to a birthday party. So i guess that will make the kids i am watching 7,7,8,9 after this weekend!! HeHe. Happy 7th Birthday Kaden. We love ya!