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    Wednesday, July 28, 2010

    07.28.2010 Oh the School Supplies!

    I was reading one of my favorite blogs this morning and the subject of school supplies came up.

    Apparently my daughter is not the only "School Supply Diva" on the planet. The one who has to have the character erasers instead of the standard Mead Pink Eraser on the list. Or 6 folders with puppies, kittens, horses, etc. when they only need 3 ("but Mom, when it gets worn out i will have a new one") Those were scary days. Craziness.

    That is why i am ever so excited to start Homeschooling this year! In the past - we did the shopping trip, and then mom bought tons of extra (because it was on sale or uber cheap) which we kept in a big ol' box marked school supplies. There was also some in a cupboard...and who am i kidding...with a 6 and 8 year old there was plenty of what are deemed "school supplies" right in their rooms! So this year we are pulling it out of all the storehouse places and putting it in one room.

    MY anxiety is setting in -not for the having to go to the store and deal with the drama- but instead for the Classroom that is still not done!

    I like to have my stuff all tied up in a pretty bow. Translation - FINISHED. Early. Our plan was to start school 2 weeks early (Like August 16th) so that we would have 2 weeks of freedom come October or whatever for another trip to California.

    No floors yet, so i can't start the organizing. I am not just mom this year, I am teacher. So i get the fun (like my sister) of setting up my classroom. Decorating the walls/bulletin board/putting up the calendar, clock, etc.

    I feel a little like the nesting momma who wants the nursery to be all ready for the baby.

    It's my first year Homeschooling so i want their classroom to be special. I want it to be exciting. I want them to enjoy learning. There is so much to do. I wish i could be doing it NOW.

    Instead i'll take a deep breath and go clean somewhere. I'll throw some hints at hubby tonite about finishing the flooring. I'll shop online for the perfect circular rug.

    But most importantly - I'll skip the Target/Walmart drama this year over supplies! Woo-hoo, Victory for Momma!

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