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    Wednesday, March 18, 2009

    03.18.2009 The Little Man is Turning 5

    Where DOES the time go? It's impossible! Stop the spinning clock and let me get off this ride...my BABY is turning 5. Age 5 folks!!!!! Next thing you know he'll be bringing friends over and playing video games till all hours of the night..oh wait..that's my other one-the firstborn. Back to Bubba.

    Bubba, my sweet, affectionate, go with the flow, lovable bear of a boy is 5 today. *sniffle* Just the other night i scooped him up in my arms and held him "like a baby", i sniffed his head (oh the smell of Johnsons Baby Shampoo!) and i realized 2 things.....
    1.) He's not gonna let me do that for much longer
    2.) Someday (real soon) he is gonna be just plain ol' too heavy and big for me to cradle in my arms *sigh*

    (Bubba Age 2)

    Since he is most definately the last of my breeding efforts (much to the chagrin of my husband) there is some sadness when the realization sets in that i no longer have a baby. With a boy like Bubba I just yearn for him to stay his cute, small, loveable self for like EVER! I love him more than i could even imagine was possible. He's my snuggle buddy.

    (Bubba Age 3 - before one of his many surgeries)

    Don't get me wrong, i love ALL my children - each one in their own special way. E for his happy self, he was so EASY, never gave me problems, dressed himself, obeyed, potty trained early, no major bumps through the teenage years...ideal child. Ms. Independent (sis) is more of the I can do everything myself including pick out my clothes and dress myself at age 2, smart as a whip and reading at 4, sassy, shoe diva, spirited spunky one!

    But there is a special bond mommy and Bubba share and i guess it's cuz he's the baby. But something tells me even if he was in the middle we would still share the same connection. And the best part is, he has an equally strong bond with Daddy. There's just something about his nature..He is just "BUBBA".

    (Bubba Age 4)

    I am often asked why he has that knickname, he is small-ish, not "hefty" by any means...why Bubba? It just is. When he was small he was 10lbs with this huge head and it kinda stuck. These days it still sticks but it's more about his easy going nature. He's always been, and will forever be our Bubba. If you have known him for any length of time and have ever had the opportunity to get some "Bubba Love" you will know what i mean. He's never met a new person he didn't have a hug or warm smile for. And every time he see's you he can't wait to shower you with the Bubba Lovin'. He's got the big eyes with the great lashes and they just absolutely MELT me.

    So no matter how big he gets, i hope to always share the special bond with him. I hope he never gets to old to hug his momma. I hope when he is 8 or 10 or 12 that i can still hug him in public and he can love me back.

    (Bubba age 4 1/2)

    So tonite, we celebrate his coming of age -the ripe ol' age of 5. I'll post pics later tonite of the festivities...i think there are some Legos in his future =)

    Just afew of some Happy moments from this evening!!!

    (Bubba opens the SpongeBob Lego's from G MA & Auntie Lynette-BIG hit!)

    Some of the completed projects! Sis had to be in the picture-after all-she put together the Krusty Krab Restaurant!

    Uncle Lloyd & Darla we are ALL enjoying playing with the shoot'em arcade animals,LOL *note the cat, she kept trying to PAW the moving targets*


    Anonymous said...

    Happy Happy Birthday, Bubba!
    We love you, Auntie Lynnette & Grandma

    Kelly said...

    Happy Birthday Bubba! I can't believe you're 5 already! Looks like it was a Lego birthday for you!