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    Friday, October 17, 2008

    I am going crazy! 10.17.2008

    Ok, so not only do i STILL have this cold (round 2) but can i possibly begin to describe the torture of NOT having a working camera. UGGHHHH. Makes me wanna pull out the trusty credit card and just go buy one. But wait, that would be stupid..who has money to make the pmt on the credit card when it's due? Not me. Not to mention the one i want is at Costco and they don't take credit cards! Ughhh. Updates around here...
    1. Greys Anatomy is AWESOME. I'm hooked, addicted, whatever! I added a widget to my blog did you see? Scroll down on the right side bar. Ooooh I am high tech now. **Side note pretty much unsuitable subject matter on the snippet from last night about the female anatomy-definately not PG** Lets hope for a better episode snippet next week**
    2. Bathroom is going backwards. I have holes (literally!) cut out of the sheetrock where there were once beautiful fixtures. Some genius decided to re-mudd/texture the entire bathroom then repaint (as if the previous 4 coats of many colors weren't enuf) it. That adds 3-4 days to the chore. Friday people, relatives arriving on airplanes from afar on FRIDAY! Which leads me to #3.....
    3. Still no toilet in main bathroom. 4 people sharing 1 bathroom is just plain GROSS especially when u have no spare time to clean it let alone dont FEEL like it from being sick.
    4. House is messier and more chaotic then ever. (shocker)
    5. Dog tore literal hole in carpet last night trying to eat something that must have been spilled on the floor by one of my lovely children. Seriously people, big hole-size of silver dollar missing all carpet fibers.
    6. Cat tried to kill fish on Monday that i happen to be pet sitting for a friend. Thank God it actually came back to life. Fish now sits on office desk away from children, pets, and mortal danger.
    7. Camera is still broken - i have missed many a "kodak moment" and just want to scream.
    8. I am still sick. Wont go away, likely have sinus infection & ear infection. No time for pesky Dr. 's or clinics.
    9. Must think of something good and positive instead of whining for #10.
    10. Bubba is amazing and is loving putting together like 60-100 piece puzzles!
    11. Danielle raised $135. for the Jogathon at her school today! Thanks to all her family who supported her.
    Ok, so list ends there cuz i have to share the hilarious fund raising story. So Danielle is being shy & takes us 3 days to get the courage to get on the phone to ask anyone for money. I (mom) bribe her with "I will give you $5 for each person you call and ask". Apparantly money talks with this girl. She hits up all my sisters. So there's the comedy. I call Auntie Lynnette on her cell phone & Danielle gets on with her speel and Auntie who just balanced her checkbook and must have had a surplus this month decided to pledge $40. (holy crud she hit the motherlode!) Well Auntie Kelly happens to be in the car, so she hands the phone to her...and Kelly (bless her heart) not wanting to be shown up by Lynnette decides to MATCH the $40 pledge!!! Danielle is literally skipping around the kitchen (practically rubbing her hands together in greediness LOL) over this and in her sweet 6 year old voice asks Auntie Kelly "is there anyone else in the car?!"....you see the wheels were spinning in that girls head....1 phone call - 2 people - i just got $80 bucks, maybe there is more on that gravy train!!!! I just about peed my pants laughing. I know it made for a funny ride home for the Aunties. Don't stop there Danielle-go for it! All in all she collected $135. Not bad for an hours worth of work!
    Well, i am off to help out at the Jog-a-thon today. Alot less pressure on the kids since all donations were "flat rate" this year and not per lap. But it should be fun. I would take pictures but, oh that's right, no camera. LOVE LOVE!

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