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    Thursday, October 9, 2008

    10.08.2008 Pretty in Pink Update!

    OMG! I just HAVE to share this. Firstly, today was picture day at Danielle's school. For those who know and love her you will recall that she DOES NOT do professional pics. (Thus the reason we have no pics of her after the family photo age2-besides the cheeesy home done photo card thingies). Anyway,preschool, Kidnergarten, 1st grade....tears and screams, will NOT get on that chair for the scary guy with big lights and big camera. Well this year, after much discussion the night before & the am, she put on the pretty hot pink polka dot dress (thanks to grandma again!) got on that chair, and smiled! A real school picture. (Now why is it that she can do the spring group photo with class but individual portrait is always a deal breaker?!) I wouldn't even write out the check until she did it! Best $19. i ever spent. She smiled but wouldn't say "pickles"!...what a ridiculous thing anyway! I am so proud of my little girl. Let's hope she's "over it" and we can get on with life.
    That's all that is new in Montana, hey, it's a balmy 28 degrees with a high of 50 and chance of snow today. .....oh how i wish i was in California.*sigh*
    BTW - ("by the way" for you non-texter/blogger types) Spots has flown the coop (literally it seems and is nowhere to be found). Perhaps he didn't like us so much and was yearning for the outside world..he picked a bad time..it's pickin cold here! We will keep u updated, but we have searched and searched and no toad!

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