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    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    03.15.2011 Another Week...in paradise

    Well another week has magically flown by and i don't have much to report.

    DeRell is still out of town on business, we manage to use Skype to video chat and remember what he looks like. Mainly because, oh my word, the meds going on around this house.

    I must say i WAS feeling a little better. I actually seemed ALOT better this morning, and decided since it didn't feel like i had an elephant stomping on my chest (now just a large dog) i could maybe get in a half hour of Zumba. (i.e. exercise/cardio) I've been reading quite alot lately and have been somewhat "inspired" to turn over a new leaf in adopting a healthier lifestyle.

    Unfortunately my body missed the memo.

    Or it got the memo but decided healthy isn't meant to be just yet.

    By 2pm today i was having serious chest pains (worse than heartburn) and was thinking maybe that Zumba and the Kettlebell weren't such a good idea. I went straight to the Dr. after picking the kids up bcuz Bubba hasn't been feeling well either...and truth be told it was rather fortuitous to get 2 visits for the price of one, when like us - you have no medical insurance! So i got a "re-check" and he has Strep Throat (AGAIN). And apparently i need to hit my inhaler more frequently since i am nearly finished with my prednisone. Major aerobic activity not such a good plan, and definately i need to keep the inhaler close by. I haven't kicked it all out of my chest yet, but other than the wheezing i am actually feeling better. Yes, Yes, sis i will take it easy. After feeling so crappy for so long...a good day held so much promise. But i will heed the Dr. advice and stay off the cardio for at least another week.

    Wrestling has come to an end, though he still has 3 more practices. Then we have the Banquet...and THEN..... BASEBALL starts!!!! woo-hoo.

    Well, i am gonna sign off now and go watch Biggest Loser. I guess i can get my exercise vicariously through the contestants on the show.

    p.s. this time change is KICKING.MY.BUTT!!! How about you?

    1 comment:

    Lynnette said...
