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    Monday, September 6, 2010

    09.06.2010 The trouble with Cats....

    ***Edited to add photos below***
    The trouble with cats is that they have claws and amazing climbing abilities! The back side of that is that they do not neccessarily have the same ability to get DOWN once they have gone UP.

    Such is the case on this Labor Day Holiday.

    Unbelievably Jack our beloved grey manx mix cat and Bubba Lou the brown Lab from Jim's clan (whom we've affectionately dubbed "the cat killer") managed to chase my cat literally up a utility pole. On a holiday weekend no less.

    Our rural Fire Department is unmanned except for Emergencies. I wouldn't consider this an emergency worthy of a 911 call unless i wanted the ENTIRE town to hear about it. So i tweeted and texted everyone and my friend April suggested i call the Electric company. They have people on-call she tells me.

    It's a good thing i did. (This was of course after the guys tried the longest extension ladder inside of the truck bed with no success) Apparently that little transformer/insulator thing Jack is sitting on carries 7500 volts of electricity. NOT something the novice should be messing with. So as i type this...they are on their way with one of those contraptions i think people call a "cherry picker". In addition they have to shut down the grid that is affected by this pole - my neighbors are gonna LOVE me!!!

    I will finish this post and add photos once the dramatic rescue is complete! Stay Tuned.

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