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    Saturday, February 13, 2010

    02.10.2010 Week Recap & More of the Horse

    Sorry for the lack of updates. It's been a busy week and no time for sitting at the computer. (Except of course the 15-20 minutes of blog stalking others...but that doesn't count) It was a crazy busy week for many reasons. I am so blessed that i CAN do all that needs to get done. That i can get up each morning. That i get to live this crazy life. Lets see if you can keep up. Mon/Weds/Fri are always like this...
    MONDAY - Drop kids off @ school, go to work, Stop my day at 11:30, pick up Bubba from 1/2 day Kindergarten, drive him across town to Public School for Speech therapy & 1/2 day school there. Pick up kids 5:30, run to friends house, Bible Study.

    TUESDAY - Wake up - scramble to get kids ready & clean house/move stuff for Drywaller to come. Drop off kids @ School, Stop my work day to pick up Bubba at 11:30 from Kindergarten, Hand Bubba off to Daddy , go to Dr. Appt (new medicine-more about that later-yay!) *Drywaller a no show =(*, work rest of the day, pick up kids rush food down their throats, off to Kyukido, get kids ready for bed.

    WEDS. - Drop kids off @ school, Pick Both kids up (early out) take Bubba to daycare, Hurry to eat lunch, Take sis to rescheduled Horse lessons, Work, Meet 3 friends at Old House to finish the inside packing, Finish at 9pm, pick up kids take home to bed.

    THURS.- Wake up early to get all things ready for sis & daddy to go to Ski Day. No school for Bubba, he stays w/ me all day (thus inhibiting my actual ability to work), Studied internet for barn buildings and horse stuff, Dad & sis back at 5pm from skiing, Order Pizza, work @ ofc till 8pm. Help kids with Valentines. Last minute American Girl order to get here for sis Bday. Go home-kids to bed, watch my DVR'd Greys Anatomy scramble to clean house/wash sheets for grandpa to come tomorrow, watch some DVR'd Private Practice.

    Fri.- Get up early, finish valentines & candy. Cut up fruit for school party. More laundry put in. Drop off kids @ school. Pick up Bubba @ 11:30 take to other school. Run up to NEW house to pick up cable & stuff for a job DeRell is doing, miss lunch w/ a friend-but get 1hr phone call w/ her instead (while multi tasking), back to work-productive day, Pick up kids head home, scramble to actually clean house bcuz honey throws on me that a designer/contractor is coming at 7pm to look at house. Meet w/ contractor, kids to bed, watch some olympics, stalk a few blogs, CRASH.

    I do love my life. But it is so Fragmented it makes me crazy sometimes. It's a wonder i can finish a thought or get one thing done - all the while my "work" day consists of doing 2 jobs...my contract processing & holding down our store/helping customers. It makes for a crazy busy day just about everyday.

    Did i mention that sis B-day is Tuesday? I have planned NOTHING. I was honestly hoping we would be in California next week so i wouldn't have to do it. Looks like that is 2-3 wks away.

    So back to Wednesday..usually our lessons are Thursday. Her school has Ski Days 2x in February so we couldn't do her lesson on Friday since the Ski Days were this Thurs and next Thurs. Since it was Early Out Weds., we did her lesson that afternoon.

    I had my camera Weds...but *gasp* I had taken the battery out of it to charge so it was useless. I was however, armed with my cell phone. It it my 5th appendage so it pretty much travels wherever i do. So i got some not so good, really far away video of sis riding solo. She was back on Spice so that was good, but the darn horse was soooo tired that it behaved even worse than the old guy we were on last week. She couldnt get her to move - and we had to put spurs on her toward the end bcuz she is so little the horse really didn't care when she kicked her to "go". LOL The problem is that i didn't have my microSD card in my phone *doh* so it is saved on my phone only. And now my camera is missing.....
    Just another week in Paradise!

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