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    Monday, November 30, 2009

    12.02.2009 DEAR SANTA

    Dear Santa;

    Even though we know that you don't really exist, we've continue to "play along" as long as the kiddos are young/naive enough to still believe....

    We also have left behind serious consumerism in favor of a more traditional approach to Christmas. Because JESUS really is the REASON FOR THE SEASON the children will only be getting 3 gifts each this year. Just like Jesus did on his Birthday. Though i know in her heart of hearts sis does not want Frankincense or Myrrh (or Gold for that matter).

    In order that we shall not shatter their belief in all things we will continue to indulge in the Santa Claus fantasy for ONE MORE YEAR. Also, smarty pants (Danielle) is already on her way to denouncing you...thus she will in turn ruin it for Bubba I have no doubt.

    So here is their list - and we threw in a few extras if you can manage...

    Please oh please oh please give her the American Girl Doll. That way she can stop begging ME and thereby save me $95 plus s/h not to mention the matching outfit for HER that will likely set me back at least that much more. No pierced ears though Santa, pierced ears are for hussies.

    He dreams of all things LEGO Santa. Make sure the little Keebler Elves bang out something dazzling in the Lego department - thus saving my wallet an additional 89.99 or so.

    Well Santa, he has been a very good boy this year. He has run himself ragged and is sick with worry that he wont be able to finish our dream house. I can't think of a tool he doesn't have so I am gonna wish for something useful like a weeks vacation far far away. I'm sure there are some travel vouchers or discounted hotel stays you can shove in the old stocking. Just asking!

    Well as for me...please oh please make Costco magically have about 20 more boxes of this So I can finish my Master Bathroom and shower. Dont know how we are going to swing it without you Santa - at this point i can afford a box (10 tiles) a month- and have my bathroom complete in about a year and a half. I know they are kinda heavy and may weigh down the sleigh...but if there is some way - i will happily pay for any chiropractic care the elves may require. I'm sure Mrs. Claus completely understands my need to have this finished by Christmas. Then you and my man can lay around the other 11 months of the year i promise.

    The Coates Family

    Oh and p.s. The eldest in college would like an XBOX ELITE. Ya, i know... ridiculous! But apparently his REGULAR XBOX was not good enough and he sold it to a friend, and now hopes mommy (or YOU) can provide him with $400 worth of the newest and best technology. I know wooden toy trains and horsies are more along the lines of what your elves generally crank out...but that is all he is asking for - so I am hoping they have some pull with Microsoft.

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