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    Monday, August 17, 2009

    A little backposting of the VACATION

    Well, i never got around to those posts, and well my sis blew me away! She (my sister Darla over at http://theroadtomorenovalley.blogspot.com had all kinds of short & sweet posts with a photo or two and blam, 10+ posts later and I got...well i got nothin!!!

    So here for your viewing pleasure is some of our vacation highlights. Ughhh, even me ever so white in a bikini. Why oh why do children HAVE to touch the camera? UGH.

    Because this may be the ONLY proof i was actually on vacation and had some fun!

    Uncle Lloyd being the BBQ master. We had some GOOD eats on vacation, and I am not sad one bit about the 5 pounds I gained...well worth it. MMMM yummy macaroni salad...

    My entire brood in the pool. Mommy of 3 can you believe it? I am sure DeRell was off helping a customer remotely from his computer or scanning Home Depot for important tools during this shot.

    We had oooh so much fun. Apart from the seemingly hourly whining about wanting to go in the pool while mommy was attempting to unpack boxes for her sister! It was a fun vacation with some work thrown in. I really wanted to help her get settled and they just had to go swimming, swimming, swimming. Oh and there was the whole Tarantula Hawk meet and greet. For giggles you ought to google that....i was talking all nice and sweet to the pretty and ENORMOUS flying ant with the pretty dark orange wings and telling my lovely children not to be afraid. Then I made the mistake of asking sis if she knew what it was, finding out it was a tarantula hawk, then googling it. WHAT AN IDIOT! Oh how i wish it was "back in the day" when you couldn't find out how a sting from such a creature could paralyze you and make you scream from the most unimaginable pain. Uh-huh BIG FUN FOLKS. I was practically petting the darn thing. I wish i had my camera THAT morning. Most other days by the pool were not so adventure filled! We were in & out of the pool (i kid you not!) at least 4 times each of the 6 days we were there!

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