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    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    Just another day in Paradise

    Well we awoke this morning to a dusting of snow on the ground. Not much else new here in Montana. Trying to get in the groove of being home - cooked breakfast (Thanks Kelly for the shortcut Monkey Bread recipe) and got dinner cooking in the slow cooker all before 8am. Seemed like a productive morning, then I went into town for a day at the office. The rest of the week i should be busy - working on organizing 1 room at a time in my house! Tomorrow it's the ofc/den/playroom/catch all......i think it might take me ALL WEEK for that room! Danielle has early out Wednesday AND Friday - not sure who makes these rules but sucks for a mom at home trying to be productive - - drop everything and run to pick her up at 12:30. Still cant get the slideshow working..if anyone knows how or has any ideas I would love the help. Have a great week!


    Anonymous said...

    Gosh, I thought to myself, "well, I'll check her blog... I doubt if it's updated, but I'll check." Blow me away! There is an update! Organizing... have fun with that one! I'm sure you can get rid of some old toys since they have a bus load of new ones from Christmas! I bet it's cold there with the new snow. Stay warm!

    Anonymous said...

    I am surprised you have time to post this week with your plans and all. But we appreciate it! Hope you are able to get at least the catch all room done. That will make you feel much better -- until the kids run through there like whirlwinds. Quiet on the home front -- mom's at a conference all week -- and Judy plans on coming up this weekend -- we'll see though.
    P.S. I have Miss Cal Poly Cheerleader as my desktop background and everyone loves it -- she's just too cute! Sorry, Kelly, I had to bump Aubrey for a few days...but I promise to rotate them :-)

    Anonymous said...

    Just got your holiday card! Love it. Amazing how fast Erick grew up -- I can remember the day that Benji nipped at him for blowing in his face a zillion times!

    Oh, can you email me the pict. of Bubba and Danielle in their Halloween costume -- that would be cute as my screensaver eventhough Danielle's is cut off!